First off - don't you all just love the new look?? I'm thrilled with it and think it's fabulous!! I owe it all to my very good friend Bobbie aka Sweetie Pea Scraps. She does great with designing blogs..and is my scrapping partner in crime. lol Check her out at her link above.. and hey if you need your blog redone give her a shout! She's not too expensive :)
I only had two kits ready for this month's release at CILM, but I really liked how they turned out. Here's the of previews, if you like them, hop on over and put them in your cart :)

And now for the freebie! It's an add-on to the Lisa Loves Gingerbread kit, and I've created it just for my blog, these are not included in the original kit, so you'll have to get them here.

Download HERE